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Racha AARAJ (EL)

Chargé de Cours - Vacataire - Specialised Master of Public Health (MPH)

Faculté de pharmacie (FP)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext racha.aaraj@usj.edu.lb

Pharm D, MPH and Masters in Cancerology.
Trilingual (French, English and Arabic) medical writer of 14 years’ experience, mostly gained in France and the Middle East and North Africa region.
Head of Medical Writing and Biostatistics at Phoenix Clinical Research.
University Instructor at Saint Joseph University, Lebanon.
Member of the European Medical Writers Association.
Her special areas of expertise lie in regulatory medical writing, medical communication, editing and proofreading.
Has written over 45 original research articles, case reports, consensus reports and reviews with an acceptance rate of 94%.
Has written over 30 research protocols, case report forms and clinical study reports (Phase I-IV).
Has attended over 180 advisory boards and written the comprehensive reports in Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Turkey, and United Arab Emirates.

• Mastère Spécialisé Santé Publique
• Master 2 Recherche de Cancérologie
• Docteur d'exercice en Pharmacie
• Master 1 de rercherche

Médecine et Santé



Chaar EAHallit SHajj AAaraj RKattan JJabbour HKhabbaz LR. Evaluating the impact of spirituality on the quality of life, anxiety, and depression among patients with cancer: an observational transversal study. Supportive Care in Cancer: Official Journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer. 2018;26(8):2581-2590. doi: 10.1007/s00520-018-4089-1.


Kmeid MAzouri HAaraj RBechara EAntonios D. Vaccine coverage for Lebanese citizens and Syrian refugees in Lebanon. International Health. 2019;11(6):568-579. doi: 10.1093/inthealth/ihz023.

• Prix de distinction pour etre classee 2eme au Liban au Baccalureat libanais (Sciences de la Vie)
• Prix de distinction pour etre classee 2eme au Baccaluareat Liban (Sciences de la Vie)