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Dr Maroun GHALEB

Faculté de médecine dentaire

Chargé de cours

(+961) 1 421 000 ext maroun.ghaleb1@usj.edu.lb

Specialist in Aesthetic Prosthetic Dentistry, Dr Maroun Ghaleb, obtained his diploma of doctor in dental surgery in 2012 and his master degree in restorative and esthetic dentistry in 2015 from Saint Joseph University of Beirut. Since then, hes been an instructor at the same university in the department of Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry in the preclinical and clinical classes. He is active in the research field and has published many articles in international journals. Dr Ghaleb runs a private practice in Lebanon and he's focusing on anterior direct restorations. He is an active member" in StyleItaliano community, and he is KOL of GC company in Lebanon.

master de specialisation option: dentisterie esthetique et prothetiqueUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban2020

Enseignement universitaire hors USJPaysEtablissementDate débutDate fin
pas d'experience dans l'enseignement hors USJ

Expérience professionnelleOrganisationDate débutDate fin
2 cabinets dentairesghaleb dental clinic et Dental home clinic04/12/201604/12/2024

Médecine et Santé

1) One-Year Clinical Performance of the Fast-Modelling Bulk Technique Composite-Up Layering Technique in Class I Cavities. 2) Reinforced Universal Adhesive by Ribose Crosslinker: A Novel Strategy in Adhesive Dentistry. 3) The effect of different bleaching protocols, used with and without sodium ascorbate, on bond strength between composite and enamel. 4) Comparaison de la résistance à l’arrachement de trois types de composites fluides à faible stress sous deux modes de polymérisation. 5) Effect of intraoral humidity on dentin bond strength of two universal adhesives: An in vitro study.

- 2021: Composite direct veneering for long-term temporary restorations. https://www.styleitaliano.org/composite-direct-veneering-for-long-term-temporary-restorations/ - 2021: Hardan, L. Sidawi, L.; Akhundov, M.; Bourgi, R.; Ghaleb, M.; Dabbagh, S.; Sokolowski, K.; Cuevas-Suárez, C.E.; Lukomska-Szymanska, M. One-Year Clinical Performance of the Fast-Modelling Bulk Technique Composite-Up Layering Technique in Class I Cavities. Polymers 2021, 13, 1873. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/13/11/1873#cite - 2021: direct veneering for everyday aesthetic solutions published in Styleitaliano.org. - 2021: Bourgi, R.; Daood, U.; Bijle, M.N.; Fawzy, A.; Ghaleb, M.; Hardan, L. Reinforced Universal Adhesive by Ribose Crosslinker: A Novel Strategy in Adhesive Dentistry. Polymers 2021, 13, 704. (Impact factor 3,426). - 2019: Thesis study to obtain the Master degree. Subject: The effect of different bleaching protocols, used with and without sodium ascorbate, on bond strength between composite and enamel. Article by Maroun Ghaleb, Giovanna Orsini, Angelo Putignano, Sarah Dabbagh, Georges Haber and Louis Hardan. This article is published in Materials (Impact factor = 2,972). (cf. Annex 1). - 2018: Haber G., Ghaleb M., Mansour C., & Hardan L.. Comparaison de la résistance à l’arrachement de trois types de composites fluides à faible stress sous deux modes de polymérisation. International Arab Journal of Dentistry (IAJD), 9(3), 87-94. - 2018: Ceramic veneers: a case report. Article by Prof. Carina Mehanna, Dr Antonio Afram, Dr. Maroun Ghaleb. Article published in IAJD vol. 9(1), 32-41. - 2018: White Spot Lesions: Resin Infiltration Technique. Article by Dr. Hilda Sarkis, Dr Maroun Ghaleb, Dr. Sarah Dabbagh, Dr Elie Harouny. Article published in IAJD vol. 8(1), 9-14. - 2017: Opposing Occlusal Stamp Technique (MOOS technique) published in Styleitaliano.org. This article describes a new technique developed by Dr. Maroun Ghaleb about composite occlusal modeling technique. - 2022: Dabbagh S., Hardan L., Kassis C., Bourgi R., Devoto W., Zarow M., Jakubowicz N., Ghaleb M., Kharouf N., Dabbagh M., Vega H., Lukomska-Szymanska M. Effect of intraoral humidity on dentin bond strength of two universal adhesives: An in vitro study. Coatings, 2022. - 2022: Anterior composite veneering. A minimally invasive approach to enhance the aesthetics. Published in Styleitaliano official page