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Equivalencies and validations


  • Only the Lebanese General Secondary Certificate does not require an official equivalence.
  • All other official secondary school diplomas, whether obtained in Lebanon (Technical Baccalaureate (BT), French Baccalaureate, Freshman, International Baccalaureate (IB), German Abitur), or in any other country, and regardless of whether their holders are Lebanese or of any other nationality, require an official equivalence granted by the Equivalence Commission of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.

Technical Diplomas

The Technical Baccalaureate (BT) may, under certain conditions, allow admission to the first year of university studies, in line with ministerial decisions 779 and 780 of 2013. The Higher Technician Diploma (TS) can also, under specific conditions and in accordance with decision 780, grant its holder the equivalence of a certain number of credits if they choose to pursue a bachelor’s degree.

Technological Diplomas

  • The Technological Baccalaureate is recognized by the Equivalence Commission of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education as equivalent to an academic baccalaureate, giving its holder the same academic rights.
  • The Equivalence Commission of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education also grants the University Technology Diploma (DUT), obtained after three years at a higher education institution in accordance with the regulations of decisions 779 and 780, the equivalence of a university bachelor’s degree, allowing the holder to pursue higher education.

University Studies and Diplomas

  • Only diplomas issued by the Lebanese University do not require an official equivalence.
  • All other diplomas, whether obtained in Lebanon or abroad, and regardless of whether their holders are Lebanese or of any other nationality, require official recognition or equivalence from the Equivalence Commission of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.

Credit Transfer Validation

  • Any request for admission based on a transfer of records (whether from one field of study to another, from one department to another within the same discipline, from one program to another within the same USJ institution, from one USJ institution to another, or from a Lebanese or foreign higher education institution to an USJ institution) must be submitted to the USJ Equivalence Commission.
  • No diploma will be awarded under the USJ seal unless the candidate has completed at least 50% of the credits required for the degree at one of USJ’s institutions. To earn a university bachelor’s degree (180-240 ECTS credits) from USJ, the student must have completed at least 90-120 ECTS credits at USJ. For a Master’s degree (90-120 ECTS credits), the student must have completed at least 60 ECTS credits at USJ. This rule applies to all transfers: from one field of study to another, from one department to another within the same discipline, from one program to another within the same USJ institution, from one USJ institution to another, or from a Lebanese or foreign higher education institution to an USJ institution.

Cliquer ici pour télécharger la Politique de transfert de crédits de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth