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Chair Michel Allard s.j. for Arabic and Islamic Studies

The "Michel Allard Chair for Arab and Islamic Studies" (CMA), affiliated with the Institute of Oriental Studies (ILO), draws its characteristics from the objectives, activities, research, and publications of Michel Allard. "An orientalist, a mustashriq, a Frenchman, but one who lived for many years at the heart of the Near Eastern world, sharing in its struggles, enthusiasms, and disillusionments from personal experience, Michel Allard approached it with rigorous research and a determination to modernize language and methods of thought—essential for the Arab-Muslim world to face, with fewer hindrances, the formidable challenges of modernity."
Michel Allard's scientific contributions span various yet complementary fields. The following classification allows us to measure their scope and variety:
1. Classical and modern Arab thought, specifically:
   1.1. Arab thought in general, Quranic studies, theology, and philosophy;
   1.2. Christianity in Islamic countries: Islamic-Christian relations, theology, history;
   1.3. The relationship between the Arabic language and theology.
2. School and university education in Lebanon and the pedagogy of Arabic.
3. The project of the Institute of Oriental Studies (USJ) and its place in Lebanon and the Arab world: objectives, restructuring, and training.
4. Varaia: research methodology (textual approach, critical thinking development...); orientalism and its scientific contribution; opening Arab and Islamic studies to modernity…

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