Vendredi 11 décembre 2020

During a year full of difficult and unexpected challenges, our community stepped forward together on December 1st, 2020

for the #USJGIVINGTUESDAY campaign to support our students when they mostly needed it.

On #USJGIVINGTUESDAY, we set a goal to raise funds to cover students’ scholarships and we are grateful for the

commitment of our USJ community, alumni, employees and friends. We were able to gather $14,144.

Thanks to an initiative by our Rector Pr. Salim Daccache, every donation was matched with the same amount

and therefore USJ contributed with an additional $14,144.

The total amount raised is $28,288.

These funds will help make an extraordinary education possible for 6 students

for a partial scholarship of $5,000 each.

It’s in the small acts of generosity that we’re going to put our country back together,

not the way it was, but the way we want it to be.

Yours in generosity,

USJ Foundation Team