FUCE (European Federation of Catholic Universities/Fédération des Universités Catholiques Européennes) organizes its second summer school on "European Humanism in the Making" in Gubbio, Italy, at the premises of LUMSA university, from July 6th until July 10th 2020.
The programme consists of following five modules, structured in two parts:
PART I – Historical and Cultural Roots: Implications for Europe Today
PART II – Social and Political Construction: Implications for the Future of Europe
USJ can send 1 to 2 students (2nd or 3rd year bachelors) to attend. The number of available places in total is limited to 30.
You will find a complete presentation of the program in the document attached, also, within the next days, some videos on the FUCE website www.fuce.eu (videos of the students from the last summer school and videos made by the 5 course coordinators introducing their modules).
Participation fees:
Application procedure:
To allow the academic team of the summer school to select the group of participants from the proposed candidates, you will need to provide:
a motivation letter, CV, contact data (Family name, Given name, email address, date of birth, nationality, phone number) and affiliation (discipline, faculty and university) and send it by email to: sri.mobilite@usj.edu.lb