IoT-Leb 2019 conference

Wednesday, March 13, 2019
De 08h30 à 17h00
Amphithéâtre Jean Ducruet s.j. - Campus des sciences et technologies


The Faculty of Engineering at the St. Joseph University of Beirut cordially invites you to the second edition of IoT-Leb, a leading event on IoT in Lebanon gathering professionals and decision makers from different technology and industry sectors.  

This year, the conference features are:
-Two international keynote speakers: James Edson from Itron Idea Labs and Nezar Souissi from Siemens.
-Three exciting discussion panels on IoT and agrofood, IoT devices, and IoT network infrastructure in Lebanon.
-A series of presentations on applications and use cases of IoT in various industries and businesses.

During the day, you can visit the IoT exhibition in the main hall where local companies and startups will showcase their IoT products and services.

Please register for free at, and do not hesitate to share this open invitation.