The awards ceremony for the IAAF Awards contest, launched at USJ in 2018 by the Inas Bou-Ayash Foundation, was held at the Walid Ben Talal Amphitheater at the Campus of Social Sciences on December 10, 2018.
After a brief welcoming speech by Mr. Edmond Chidiac, the Director of the Department of Professional Integration, Mrs. Inas Bou-Ayash, President of the IAAF Foundation, encouraged the youth the pursue their dreams and create the circumstances that will foster their success. Professor Salim Daccache, s.j., Rector of USJ, then thanked Mrs. Bou-Ayash for having organized this contest. He also emphasized the importance accorded to entrepreneurship in the University’s strategy.
4 projects were presented: 3a Tari2ak by Verena el-Amil and Karl Nohra (FDSP), Sparrow by Romain Assaad and Carelle Sioufi (ISP), Wander by Pamela Kanaan (IGE), and HealthIn by Alain Andréa and Nathalie Saab.
The jury, composed of H.E. Minister Jean Oghassapian, Mrs. Inas Bou-Ayash, Mr. Maroun Chammas, Professor May Sayegh (FGM), and Professor Joseph Mezher (FGM), opted for the Wander project.
A 10,000 USD prize was awarded to Ms. Pamela Kanaan by Mrs. Inas Bou-Ayash.
MPs Eddy Abillamaa and Eddy Maalouf were also present at the event.
Ms. Pamela Kanaan accompanied a delegation from the IAAF Foundation to the Presidential Palace on Wednesday December 12, 2018.