New graduates in management

105 Master’s students and 20 others from the Faculty of Management (FGM) received their diplomas during a ceremony at the Campus of Science and Technology.
22 October 2018
Campus des sciences et technologies

It’s official! 105 Master’s students and 20 others from the Faculty of Management (FGM) received their diplomas during a ceremony at the Campus of Science and Technology’s Jean Ducruet Amphitheater on 22 October 2018, in the presence of  Prof. Salim Daccache, s.j., Rector of USJ, Prof. Georges Aoun, Dean of FGM, professors, parents, colleagues, and friends.


During his speech, the Rector congratulated the 17 Master’s graduates in Marketing Services Management, the 19 Master’s graduates in Financial Asset Management, the 18 Master’s graduates in Accounting, Auditing, and Control, the 8 Master’s graduates in Entrepreneurship and New Technologies, the 31 Master’s graduates in Finance, and the 12 Master’s graduates in Management, not to mention the 20 students who completed their undergraduate degree late.


He then said, “the professors and senior staff of the Faculty of Management have been and continue to be committed to teaching students not only the skills to be able to lead, advise, and make right calculations, but also the ability to make correct predictions. They have equipped students with all the necessary tools to be able to do so. More importantly, however, they worked on your own talents: on the personal abilities of each and every one of you, on the particular gifts given to you by God and your families, thus making the most of your personal capacities.”


“As the FGM moves forward towards full AACSB accreditation, it will be a source of pride for you to be alumni of this institution that was established 38 years ago and that has witnessed the graduation of some 12 thousand undergraduate students and some 3 thousand graduate students,” he concluded.


“It is with great pleasure and honor that I stand here tonight to speak on behalf of my graduating class, especially considering the importance of this moment which has been, for some, a challenge, a dream, or a goal to achieve. It is a moment brimming with enthusiasm for the future and nostalgia for a journey that we have just completed,” said Mr. Albert Haddad, representing the graduates. “Let us take this opportunity to thank USJ by thanking its Faculty of Management for offering us its 140 years’ worth of expertise and professionalism.”