How Can Model-Based System Engineering Bring Benefits to Industrial Systems Engineering ?

Jeudi 10 novembre 2016
De 12h20 à 13h20
Amphithéâtre Jean Ducruet s.j. - Campus des sciences et technologies

Conference: How Can Model-Based System Engineering Bring Benefits to Industrial Systems Engineering ? We will explain how Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) greatly helps Industrial systems design in tacking the challenging complex activities, such as: • Management of complexity (data management & navigation, engineering team concerns, integration, update, etc.) • Functional decomposition, architectures, and operational mappings • Hardware and software redundancies to manage safety considerations • Communication protocols • Resources sharing principle (CPU, network, …) We present the SCADE toolchain and methodology as a way to handle these critical challenges while taking care of ensuring key properties such as interoperability, usability with a fully System Engineering oriented HMI, scalability in its ability to handle thousands of data. Then, we present how to simulate, verify and automatically generate code from Scade Models with respect to the Avionics Certification Norms. A complete demonstration on an industrial case will illustrate all the concepts and capabilities highlighting the obtained benefits Short biography: Chafic JABER, PhD Experience Chafic JABER works at Esterel Technologies, a subsidiary of Ansys Inc., as an application engineer, with focus on Industrial IoT systems. Chafic represents Esterel in the S3P French IoT initiative to develop tools and methodologies for IoT platforms. Before joining Esterel, Chafic was Embedded Systems System Architect, and worked on the design of a radio navigation system for the Elise nanosatellite. Education 1. 2011: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Communications and Electronics from Telecom Paris and funded by Freescale Semiconductors 2. 2007 Msc in Embedded system from University of Nice Date: Jeudi 10 novembre 2016 de 12h20 à 13h20 Lieu : Ampithéâtre de l’ESIB, Campus des Sciences et Technologies Mar Roukos, Mkalles, Beyrouth, Liban Contact : ------------------------------------------------------------------