U.S. Embassy: Journalism for Social Change - Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) program for 2015-2016
The U.S. Embassy’s Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) program for 2015-2016 has started!
One of the courses that they are working on this fall is Journalism for Social Change.
In a vibrant democracy, journalism and media have the power and responsibility to both inform and inspire the public to political action. Achieving this requires a deep understanding of current social problems and how policy is formulated, alongside the ability to tell that story in a manner that drives an otherwise apathetic public into action.
The goal of this online course is two-fold:
1) to teach students of journalism, public policy and social work how to use journalism and media as an implement of social change;
2) have those students become effective change agents themselves.
They are inviting people from all backgrounds to apply and benefit from this free online learning opportunity. In addition to the online course itself, the U.S. Embassy in Beirut in collaboration with the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK) will be offering supplemental sessions to the course that will take place on the university main campus in Kaslik.
The sessions will be given by experts in the fields of journalism and civic engagement who will provide participants with additional information and teach them how to use journalism and media for a better social change.
Candidates who are interested to sign up for this online course should visit the website at: http://lebanon.usembassy.gov/moocsocialchange.html and apply online.
To join the supplemental sessions, a separate application should be filled and submitted to BeirutPD@state.gov along with the enrollment confirmation of the online course no later than October 16, 2015.
The application for the supplemental sessions and additional information are available at the aforementioned website. The online course and the supplemental sessions are free of charge.