Practicing Philosophy in Lebanon. Authors, Texts, Trends, Traditions.

Wednesday 20th November 2013 & Thursday 21st November 2013
9h30 à 18h30
Campus des sciences humaines
  • AUB - American University of Beirut


The engagement with modern philosophy in Lebanon in the twentieth century has had an active and distinguished history, not only in the local Levantine context, or the broader region within the Arab world and the Middle East, but also at certain times internationally.  The intensity and continuity in practicing philosophy in Lebanon, within academic institutions, learned societies, and centers, fluctuated over the past four decades, albeit, a new generation of active intellectuals and academics emerged during this period, with many amongst them establishing local and global recognition of their contributions to philosophical research and thinking.  This proposed colloquium corresponds with the UNESCO „World Philosophy Day 2013‟, and it aims at gathering academics and intellectuals in Lebanon, who are engaged in philosophical investigations within universities, institutes, and centers, to generate a forum for sharing their oeuvres, and debating their research methods and questions, around authors, texts, trends, and traditions within the various schools of philosophy.  The papers and discussions will also address the particularities of practicing philosophy in Lebanon, through individual initiatives or teams, while assessing the conditions of rooting thought within a Levantine context that is marked by cultural, linguistic, literary, and confessional hybridity in its lived experiences and histories.  The themes could be focused on specific technical issues in philosophizing (whether in ontology, epistemology, theories of value, history of philosophy, philosophy of science, philosophy of religion, etc.), and/or examining the adaptive assimilation of contemporary schools of philosophical thinking within a milieu that is marked by diverse Levantine expressions of thought, knowledge, culture, religion, and society; including the development of certain facets in philosophizing that respond to local and regional intellectual concerns and legacies.  Papers may also focus on the potentials and obstacles that face philosophical research when situated between different schools of thought and civilizations, in addition to reflecting on practicing philosophy by way of translation from and into the Arabic language.  The colloquium is open to all philosophical orientations and areas of specialism, and papers can be presented in Arabic, English, or French.  The colloquium papers will be published in a tri-lingual proceedings volume, and this gathering will be followed by future events and symposia to consolidate the research activities of the participants and generate the basis for collaborations and deliberations over the possibility of structuring the philosophical activities in the Lebanese context.  Annual meetings would rotate between the participating institutions (as represented by the participating speakers), and potentially formalizing the gatherings in a registered “Lebanese Philosophical Association” with a secretariat bureau and executive council.

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