Hôtel-Dieu de France (HDF) and the Saint Joseph University of Beirut (USJ) have partnered to introduce the Versius® robotic surgical system, marking a significant advancement in medical technology and surgical care in Lebanon and the Middle East. This collaboration, facilitated by Promedz, CMR’s official representative in the UK, brings to Lebanon the most advanced version of the robotic system developed by Cambridge Medical Robotics (CMR), positioning the country at the forefront of global healthcare innovation.
This versatile system will support minimally invasive procedures in colorectal, urological, gynecological, thoracic, and general surgery, ensuring improved surgical outcomes and reduced complications.
This strategic collaboration between HDF and USJ not only reflects their commitment to advancing healthcare excellence but also strengthens Lebanon’s leadership in robotic surgery within the region.
Click here to watch the report on Annaharnews.
Read also in French: L'HDF et l'USJ lancent au Moyen-Orient, Versius®, la chirurgie robotique la plus avancée