Message from the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Arturo Sosa, SJ

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Dear Companions of the Near East and Maghreb Province,

As we celebrate the Nativity of Christ, I take this opportunity to reach out to you with a special message. You have been, and remain, deeply present in my prayers and thoughts.

The events unfolding in your region – especially in Palestine-Israel, Lebanon, and more recently in Syria – profoundly move me. On the one hand, the relentless spiral of war, escalating violence, and deepening hatred and vengeance seem to be worsening with each passing day. On the other hand, amidst much fear and uncertainty, a glimmer of hope for the resurgence of new beginnings seems to be emerging.

In the face of these challenges, you continue your mission of justice, peace, and reconciliation with unwavering dedication. Your tireless efforts to alleviate the suffering of populations, welcome the displaced, uphold institutions, launch new initiatives, and face the challenges ahead are a testament to your courage and faith.

Let us remember that the “sign” given to us at Christmas is that of a fragile and vulnerable child, born in the humility of a manger, far from his hometown. He came into the world in your very region, in circumstances that echo the challenges you are enduring today. Yet, it is in this very fragility and humility that we are called to recognize this new-born as the Prince of Peace, Emmanuel, God-with-us, and our Saviour.

Dear companions, as you may already know, I plan to visit several countries in your Province in March 2025 and I fervently hope that these visits will be possible. However, above all, I wish to assure you of my personal support and that of the entire Society of Jesus. You can count on my solidarity and unwavering commitment.

Merry Christmas and may the peace of Christ dwell in our hearts and renew our hope.

Arturo Sosa, SJ