Bourses de mobilités aux enseignants-chercheurs offertes par l’Ambassade des Etats-Unis


Comme chaque année, l’Ambassade des Etats-Unis au Liban offre des bourses à nos étudiants et enseignants pour des séjours D’études aux Etats unis: 



Who can apply?

Program information & Application link



Study of the United States Institute (SUSI) for Global

Student Leaders on Religious Diversity and Democracy

Undergraduate students between 18 and 25 years with at least one undergraduate semester left in their program to attend a 4–5-week exchange in the United States in summer 2025  global-student-leaders-religious-diversity-and-democracy/

December 17, 2024

Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI) Madeleine K. Albright

Young Women Leaders Program

Female undergraduate students between 18 and 25 years with at least one undergraduate semester left in their program to attend a 4-5 week exchange in the United States in summer 2025

December 17, 2024


Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program

Faculty teaching at universities in Lebanon to pursue research and/or teach at universities in the United States for a period between 3 and 10 months starting in August/September 2025   

December 1, 2024

Study of the United States Institutes (SUSI) - Scholar Program

Faculty teaching at universities in Lebanon to explore thematic areas for 4-5 weeks in summer 2025

January 3, 2025

Pour toute demande de renseignements, envoyer un courriel à en indiquant le titre du programme respectif dans le sujet.

Ne manquez pas cette opportunité exceptionnelle de vivre une expérience enrichissante aux États-Unis !