USJ Once Again Dominates the FSUL National Championships

Friday, June 7, 2024

The Saint Joseph University of Beirut (USJ) has once again dominated university sports, securing the top position for the third consecutive season in the overall rankings of universities at the National Championships organized by the Lebanese Federation of University Sport (FSUL). With an unprecedented score of 129 points, USJ reaffirms its position as the undisputed leader of university sports in Lebanon.

Ranked first among the 22 participating universities, USJ surpasses the Lebanese American University in Byblos (LAU Byblos Campus), and the Lebanese American University in Beirut (LAU Beirut Campus), both in second place with 53 points each. Following closely behind are the American University of Beirut (AUB), and the University of Balamand (UOB), occupying fourth place with 39 points each, while the Antonine University (UA) trails in sixth place with 31 points.

USJ accumulated its 129 points through outstanding performances across almost all disciplines. Under the scoring system, in team events, first place earns 10 points, second place earns 7, third place earns 5, fourth place earns 3, and universities placed fifth through eighth each earn 1 point. Similarly, in individual events, first place earns 5 points, second place earns 3, and third and fourth place each earn 1 point.

USJ stands as the only university to claim podium spots in every team event, marking a historic milestone in the Championships! Our University secured first place in men’s and women’s futsal, men’s handball, and men’s streetball, second place in men’s volleyball and women’s streetball, and third place in women’s volleyball, men’s football, men’s and women’s basketball, and men’s mini-football.

Beyond its success in team events, USJ showcased excellence by winning the national championship in men’s and women’s swimming, men’s and women’s badminton, men’s and women’s alpine skiing, women’s cross-country, and women’s Thai boxing. Furthermore, USJ ranked second in men’s and women’s taekwondo, women’s table tennis and chess, and third in men’s table tennis, women’s tennis, men’s Thai boxing, and women’s athletics.

The coaching quality and training are crucial, with USJ sports benefiting from Lebanon’s top coaches and skilled team management. Moreover, it is worth noting the exceptional dedication of USJ students, who excel in both sports and academics, maintaining an impressive average GPA of 3.55 per semester for all athletes.

Read also: L'Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth domine une fois de plus les Championnats nationaux de la Fédération sportive universitaire du Liban