Round Table - Water Sanitation Internship Program under the USAID-funded WSC project.

Round table
21 Fev 2024

The Career and Placement Office of USJ hosted a vibrant roundtable discussion at the Social Sciences Campus on February 21, 2024, as part of the Water Sanitation Internship Program under the USAID-funded WSC project. The focus was on guiding students' career paths, with particular attention to youth involvement in the sector. The Chair of “Fondation Diane,” alongside representatives from various organizations including the WSC project team, WE4F by Berytech, 3M Plast, Bioland, the Association of Lebanese Industrialists, CubeX, Arcenciel, and NJoy, participated in the roundtable discussion. Approximately 35 students from different majors also attended the roundtable. This event provided them with a valuable opportunity to engage directly with industry leaders and potential employers in the water sector. By participating in the roundtable, students gained insights into career paths and internship opportunities, as well as ongoing projects in the sector, enhancing their understanding of the industry and boosting their future job prospects.