Youth4Governance Event

NEFAA The Cliffhanger.
Friday, September 15, 2023

We are delighted to invite you to the launch of the Youth4Governance (Y4G) 2023 report. The Y4G internship program is a collaborative initiative between Siren and the Saint Joseph University of Beirut. Since its inception in 2021, Y4G has been dedicated to engaging and empowering young talent in Lebanon's public sector reform.    

In this year's edition, the dedicated Y4G participants have directed their efforts towards identifying and addressing the challenges faced by the Vehicle Registration Office (Nefaa) within Lebanon's public sector. Through extensive research and in-depth analysis, they have highlighted tangible routes for advancement, leveraging multiple disciplines including technology.  

The closing event will be held on September 15th, at 3:00PM, at the Gulbenkian Amphitheater, Saint Joseph University - Social Sciences Campus, Huvelin Street.   

Please confirm your attendance by September 11th using the following link: RSVP Link  

Direct English/Arabic translation will be available.   
Kindly find attached the invitation and the event agenda.