Pr. Fouad Zmokhol, a guest speaker at the Rotary district 2452 conference entitled "A WAY OUT OF THE LEBANESE CRISIS" with Mr. Carlos Ghosn.


It was a great pleasure and honor to the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Management Pr. Fouad Zmokhol be a guest speaker at the Rotary district 2452 conference held at Phoenicia Hotel in Beirut and moderate a very engaging and dynamic session with Mr. Carlos Ghosn entitled " A WAY OUT OF THE LEBANESE CRISIS " surrounded by an impressive and knowledgeable very high leveled audience. The session tackled the importance of the unity of command, of creativity and innovation , of communication for any real restructuring plan. The speakers concluded that there are no doubts that Lebanon is deeply suffering and bleeding, and its economy bending but it will never surrender, nor die and we have many opportunities and assets to rebuild growth and rise again from the ashes. Don’t hesitate to join our faculty to be part of worksite and huge economic and managerial restructuring projects.