6th Edition of the MEM Summer Summit 2023

The closing date to send applications is April 30, 2023.
Thursday, April 20, 2023

Dear Students,

The Embassy of Switzerland is pleased to announce that the Call for Applications for the sixth edition of the Middle East Mediterranean MEM Summer Summit 2023, organized by Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) with the support of Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) every year since 2018, is open.

The MEM Summer Summit aims to bring together "young change-makers" from the Mediterranean and Middle East region, as well as young people from elsewhere with a proven interest in the region and relevant educational and professional experience. It aims to develop new approaches, different narratives, as well as new projects that transcend physical and cultural boundaries between communities on all shores of the MEM region and beyond with the active contribution of the young participants, called young change-makers. Furthermore, the goal is to create a safe space for the young change-makers to meet, to exchange experiences, to collaborate and to build a common understanding.

The sixth edition of the MEM Summer Summit will be held from 17 to 26 August 2023. The Seminar, exclusively devoted to the young change-makers, offers a series of plenary lectures, participatory workshops, brainstorming sessions, working groups, and cultural activities. It is articulated around three main thematic streams:

1. Geopolitics and leadership;
2. Good governance, policy making, and citizenship;
3. Cultural narratives.

- Please find attached the call for applicants  https://www.mem-summersummit.ch/seminar/#application

- Candidates aged 25 to 35 may apply by registering here https://ycmplatform.mem-summersummit.ch/login/index.php

PS. The closing date to send applications is April 30, 2023.

Good Luck!