Funded by USAID, the Community Support Program- CSP provided training courses at the Dar es Salaam Centre of the Sea Collector Society in Bqosta, on raising awareness on the rationalization and conservation of water after USAID through the CSP program established a water reservoir in the 300 m3 town of Bqosta, which will secure water for approximately 14,000 beneficiaries and will form a water tank.
Participating in this training, along with the municipality of Bqosta, the country's associations and other associations will contribute to the dissemination of awareness and rationalization of water use among the people of Bqosta and Al-Sharhabil, most notably: the Sharhabil Youth Association, the Bqosta Development Association and the Padre Association.
We would like to thank all the team behind the execution of this project that was a success story especially the USAID team, Ms. Joyce Assaf, the project manager whose input was insightful and Ms. May Attieh the trainer for her dynamism.