Let's Discover Confucius Institute at St. Joseph University

February 2022

Confucius Institute at St. Joseph University (CIUSJ)is a non-profit public institution jointly established by  St. Joseph University and Shenyang Normal University ( in Liaoning Province, China), which is affiliated to  St. Joseph University.  Its purpose is to meet the needs of the Lebanese people to learn Chinese language by providing various kinds of Chinese language courses , enhance the Lebanese people’s understanding of Chinese language and culture, promote academic exchanges between the two universities and develop friendly relations between the Chinese and Lebanese people.

Its main functions are:

--- Adopt flexible teaching patterns and adapt to suit local conditions when teaching Chinese language in foreign primary schools, secondary schools, communities and enterprises. 

---- Provide training program for local teachers of Chinese as well as assistance your studies on Chinese education, culture, economic and social status. 

---- Carry out the HSK (Chinese proficiency test) for certificate of Teaching Chinese as a foreign language.

---- Sponsor academic exchange and Chinese Competition.

---- Provide library service for reference.

On Nov.10th,2006, Ms. Liu Xiang-hua Chinese Ambassador to Lebanon, on behalf of Hanban, formally signed the agreement on the establishment of Confucius Institute with Pro.René Chamussy sj., the President of  St. Joseph University. On Feb.27, 2007,  CIUSJ was officially inaugated as the first Confucius Institute to be established in an Arab country in the Middle East.

The Confucius Institute has a board of directors consisting 4 members selected by each party which meets once a year. Each party assigns a director to manage the routine work.

In September this year, the two parties of the agreement extend the agreement for another 5 years. And by this November, CIUSJ will mark its 15th anniversary. Under  the guidance of the council and through the joint efforts of both sides, we have achieved great achievements .

In order to better promote the development of International Chinese language

education, learn from the better experience of other countries and adopt international practices, Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters announced in July 2000 to change its management mode and set up "Center for Language Education and Cooperation " and "Chinese International Education Foundation " under the

Ministry of Education.  By authorizing universities in China to cooperate with

foreign universities or institutions to set up Confucius Institutes, providing various Chinese language courses for local people.  The Center and the

Foundation promote the coordinated development of Confucius Institutes around the world by formulating macro policies.

In the past 15 years, we have organized 21 HSK(K) tests and 8 YCT tests, with 941 people taking the exams. We have organized more than 100 cultural activities, which attracted more than 10,000 audience to take part in. By 2019, 106 students have visited China through the summer camp program to experience Chinese culture. A total of 49 students have been awarded scholarships to Shenyang Normal University for further study. Confucius Institute has hosted the Chinese Bridge Competition Lebanon Round for five consecutive years, with a total number of 77 participants.The total number of registered students reached 4500.  

At present, the CIUSJ has dedicated office space of 70 square meters, a library room of 50 square meters, a common teaching space of 700 square meters, a cultural exhibition area of 10 square meters, and Chinese Garden of 40 square meters. Four Chinese teachers are working here to  teach Chinese course in more than 20 levels for over 150 students distributed in four learning centers. We take New Practical Chinese as textbook for our grown-up learners and Chinese Paradise for kids.

In the face of the current difficulties, we did not retreat at all. The teachers gave up the vacation of return to China for two years and stuck to their posts, overcoming numerous difficulties and insisting teaching lessons online.

Difficulties are temporary, we are full of hope! We firmly believe that victory will be ours! Let’s join hand to embrace the brilliant future of CIUSJ.






今年的九月份,两所大学又续签了5年的合作协议,到今年11月,圣约瑟夫大学孔子学院即将走过15个年头。在过去的15年中,在理事会正确指导下,经过双方的共同努力,圣约瑟夫大学孔子学院知难而上,攻坚克难,取得了辉煌的成绩。15年间,我们共组织HSK(K)考试21场,YCT 8场,参加考试人数941人次。组织各类文化活动百余场,观众万余人。截止到2019年先后有106人通过夏令营项目到访中国,体验中国文化之旅。先后共有49人获得奖学金资助到沈阳师范大学继续学习深造。孔院已经连续五年承办汉语桥黎巴嫩赛区比赛,参加比赛人数累计77人次。累计注册学员达4500人次。




