15 years already since the founding of the Confucius Institute at Saint Joseph University in Beirut.
15 years of close collaboration between Saint Joseph University of Beirut and Shenyang Normal University which has given fruit to many cultural events over the years. Thousands of Lebanese of all ages and horizons have benefited from learning the Chinese language. Many young people were able to take advantage of summer camps in China, but also many were able to familiarize themselves with Chinese culture through various events. We must not forget the Chinese acupuncture that was introduced for the first time in the Middle East to the Lebanese population who, were able to benefit from this discipline that has proved its value over hundreds of years.
Although the last two years have turned out to be difficult because of the pandemic and social distancing, the coming years promise to be fruitful as a result of new projects development in various fields such as translation, law, management, arts, sport and others...
The Confucius Institute of USJ is a bridge between cultures and a tool to bring closer the geographic distance between China and Lebanon through cultural and academic activities aiming at facilitating exchanges between the two countries.
We must not forget, however, the facilitating role and continued support of the Chinese Embassy in Lebanon that has accompanied the Confucius Institute since its inception.
With years of experience and full of will for current projects, the future of the Confucius Institute at Saint Joseph University promises to be full of hope.
CIUSJ. Dr. Nisrine Lattouf
贝鲁特圣约瑟夫大学与沈阳师范大学经过15年来的密切合作,举办了许多文化活动。 成千上万的黎巴嫩人,不分年龄和层次,都从学习汉语中受益。 许多年轻人能够有幸参加夏令营,也有许多人能够通过我们举办的各种活动了解中国文化。 我们不能忘记中国的针灸技术,它首次在中东地区介绍给黎巴嫩人,使他们能够受益于中国这门传统的技艺。数百年的医疗实践证明了它的存在价值。
孔子学院 外方院长 倪诗玲