Mindfulness Stress Reduction Program

From February 1 to March 22, 2022

Register NOW

Easy to say but difficult to do, especially when you live in a country that goes through one crisis to another. However, this is what the CFP proposes: helping those who wish not to succumb to psychic exhaustion and inner collapse, to manage daily stress, to achieve moral well-being and to get out of the negative spiral in which we are facing.

The Professional Training Center of Saint Joseph University of Beirut is pleased to announce the opening of registrations to the Mindfulness Stress Reduction Program.

If it is your first experience in Mindfulness, it is your chance to register and participate to the Mindfulness Training: Mindfulness Stress Reduction Program (MSRP) starting February first, 2022, on Zoom platform. This Training is a prerequisite to be able to integrate our Mindfulness Club!

Places are limited! Register NOW to the Mindfulness Stress Reduction Program by clicking on the following link:

Registration USJ Mindfulness Club / Training