Bachelor of Arts in Translation
School of Translators and Interpreters of Beirut (ETIB)
+961 (1) 421 552
Bachelor of Arts in Translation

The School of Translators and Interpreters of Beirut aims at training high-level translators and interpreters to master intercultural competencies by helping them to adapt to cultural differences, sharpen strong analytical and deductive skills, and develop professional judgment.

Being affiliated to the most prestigious academic and professional organizations in the world and having agreements with the most prominent international organizations such as the United Nations and the European Parliament, the School also wishes to help its students acquire two skills that are crucial to the translator and the interpreter:

  • to learn how to work, i.e. understand, think and express oneself ;
  • to acquire the notion of system: any fact, whether linguistic, economic, legal, or religious is only understandable when it is part of a system - the translator or the interpreter should be able to understand how each society or culture organizes reality in its own way.

The language combination of this Bachelor of Arts in Translation consists of Arabic, English, and Spanish. Upon graduation, translators can work in international organizations, embassies, ministries, translation agencies, publishing houses, news agencies, media, universities and schools, etc.

L’USJ 3e dans les pays arabes pour la réputation auprès des employeurs
L’USJ 3<sup>e</sup> dans les pays arabes pour la réputation auprès des employeurs

L'Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth (USJ) s'est classée 3e dans les pays arabes pour la réputation auprès des employeurs. L’USJ figure toujours parmi les 20 meilleures universités des pays arabes sur un total de 160 institutions. Depuis plusieurs années, les employeurs utilisent les classements internationaux pour recruter des diplômés des meilleures universités. L'Université joint, à travers ces formations, la théorie à la pratique et travaille sur la mise en place de relations étroites constantes sur le marché du travail. Malgré l'environnement régional complexe et l'instabilité politique libanaise, l’USJ a su créer un large réseau de partenaires nationaux, régionaux et internationaux.

Doctorat en santé publique (Dr.PH), 1er programme au Liban et dans la région

Dans le cadre de son programme doctoral en sciences biologiques et médicales, la Faculté de médecine (FM) de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, en collaboration avec l’Institut supérieur de santé publique (ISSP) lance son programme Dr.PH, 1er programme au Liban et dans la région, avec deux options : Leadership in Global Health et Health Management and Policy.

Le programme de doctorat en santé publique est conçu pour répondre au besoin de professionnels de la santé qualifiés au Liban et dans la région du Moyen-Orient, capables d’assumer un rôle de leadership aux niveaux organisationnel, national, régional et mondial.

Le programme offre aux participants des aptitudes et des compétences analytiques et techniques liées à la gestion organisationnelle et la communication, la gouvernance, réglementation et politiques de santé contemporaines, la production et l’utilisation de l’intelligence stratégique, le leadership sectoriel, etc.

Séance d'orientation
Master en orthophonie
Jean El Achkar, PhD
Regional Coordinator for the Levant at AGYA, Berlin
Assistant Professor at Beirut Arab University
Doctorat en Biochimie, Promo 2017
Faculté des sciences (FS)
+961 (1) 421 368
Jean El Achkar, PhD

I would like to express my gratitude to USJ, in particular to the Faculty of Sciences that shaped my career and set me up for success in the professional world. This 9-year journey began with my Master’s degree in 2013. Later, in 2017, I received my PhD in Biochemistry from the same Faculty and a second PhD in Chemical and Process Engineering from the University of South Brittany in France. Subsequently, I was recruited as lecturer and researcher at the Higher School of Engineers of Beirut (ESIB) and the Faculty of Sciences at USJ until August 2020.

As active researcher, I’m conducting research going beyond proven theories and responding to societal needs and global challenges. Therefore, my projects are focusing on waste treatment and bioenergy production. My passion for innovation prompted me to implement a prototype to assess the methane production from organic waste within the Faculty of Sciences. This allowed us to obtain the Lebanese Industrial Research Achievement award from the Ministry of Industry as well as the Incubation and Business Support first prize from Berytech. In October 2019, I was the first Lebanese to win the Green Talents Award from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, selected between 837 young researchers from 97 countries.

Today, I am Assistant Professor in the Chemical Engineering department of the Faculty of Engineering at Beirut Arab University and Regional Coordinator for the Levant at AGYA (Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities) which is based in Berlin.

photo du mois
L’équipe du SIO lors d’une rencontre virtuelle avec les élèves du Collège Saint-Joseph des Sœurs des Saints Cœurs – Bauchrieh L’équipe du SIO lors d’une rencontre virtuelle avec les élèves du Collège Saint-Joseph des Sœurs des Saints Cœurs – Bauchrieh
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