Histoire de la traduction

This course aims to deepen students' skills in analyzing the different stages of the history of translation. It will enable them to analyze texts dealing with translation. By adopting a critical perspective of the translation practices through history, students will be encouraged to closely examine the evolution of concepts, approaches, theories, and methodologies that have marked the history of translation. Exploring the historical and cultural contexts that have influenced the discipline will allow them to fully understand the relation between past trends and current translation practices. Moreover, this course will provide them with the necessary equipment to launch new research in the field of translation studies that takes advantage of the past to innovate new methods aimed at deepening the understanding of the translation process and the reality of the profession in general.

Temps présentiel : 15 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 50 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Examen final, Examen partiel

Référence :
- Baker, M. & Saldanha, G. (Eds). (2020). Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, Third edition. London and New York: Routledge - Delisle,J. & Woodsworth, J. (Eds). (2012). Translators through History, Revised edition. Amesterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins

Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
 Master en traduction - option : traducteur de conférence
Master en traduction - option : traducteur du domaine des banques et des affaires
Master en traduction - option : traducteur-rédacteur
Master en traduction - option : traducteur/traductologue
Master en traduction