063PRETL1 | Protocol & Etiquette |
Protocol & Etiquette course is offered to students following a hospitality B.A. Based on fundamental principles Etiquette allow us to face any social and professional situation with self-confidence and integrity. This behavioral code, that is adaptable to different cultures, help us interact with others while making sure to respect beliefs and traditions different from ours. Etiquette is the rule and code organizing the behavior of every person within a society, has a great impact on facilitating human and career development of future professionals. Protocol is the set of rules and shared codes that ease communication, without being part of the communication by itself. It can be used in several fields: - Social: set of rules organizing Etiquette and precedence in official ceremonies - Diplomatic: Rule of diplomatic Etiquette and precedence This course is aiming to give students deep information of good manners and behavior, allowing them to master interaction and communication in private, public and professional environment. Temps présentiel : 17.5 heures Charge de travail étudiant : 32.5 heures Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Examen final, Participation et assiduité, Projets, Travail personnel Référence : |