Prévention et promotion de la santé

Cette unité d’enseignement permet à l’apprenant d’acquérir les concepts de base ainsi que les éléments essentiels du management et de la promotion de la santé. Elle permet d’assimiler les principes de stratégie de prévention et de réduction des risques ainsi que les programmes destinés aux populations spéciales et d’identifier le rôle de physiothérapeute dans le domaine de la prévention et de la promotion de la santé.

Temps présentiel : 35 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 65 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Examen final, Travaux pratiques contrôlés

Référence :
- American Physical Therapy Association (2015). Guide to Physical Therapist Practice (3rd ed). Alexandria:VA. - W.Ammar, R.Wakim, I.Hajj, "Ministry of Public Health," 2007. - AUB. (2010, september 26). AUB policy for human research protection program HRPP. - Beirut, Lebanon: AUB. - Hamra, R. (2014). Role of the Ministry of Public Health in Clinical Research in Lebanon: - History, Present Situation, and Plans for the Future. Magazine of Human and Health(28). - Amdur, R., & Bankert, E. A. (2011). Institutional Review Board (3rd ed.). - World Health Organization (1978). Alma Ata Primary Health Care. Geneva. - Lebanon National Health Accounts 1998. Ministry of Public Health, December 2000. - National Household Health Expenditure and Utilization Survey. (1999). Ministry of Public Health, 2001. - Ammar, W. (2003). Health system and Reform in Lebanon, Ministry of Public Health. - The Population-based Survey on Health Expenditures, Lebanon. (2000). The Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization and the World Bank. - The National Health Accounts of Lebanon. (2000). The Lebanese Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization and the World Bank. - Tabbara, R. (2000).Presentation on the Health Care System of Lebanon. - El-Jardali, F., Ammar, W., Hemadeh, R., Jamal, D., Jaafar, M. Improving Primary Health Care through Accreditation: Baseline Assessment of Readiness and Challenges in Lebanese Context. - Accreditation Canada International: Lebanon Primary Care Standards. (2011). - Ammar, W. (2003). Financing of the Health System. Health System and Reform in Lebanon, 2953. - Kronfol, N. (2006). Rebuilding of the Lebanese Health Care System: Health Sector Reforms. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 12. - Ammar, W. (2003). Characteristics of the Market. Health System and Reform in Lebanon, 5560. - MOH strategic Plan. (2007). - World Health Organization. (2008). The World Health Report. Primary healthcare: now more than ever. Geneva, Switzerland. - World Health Organization. Quality improvement in primary health care: a practical guide. - World Health Organization-Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean. (2002). Expert group meeting on hospital accreditation. Cairo, Egypt. - Ammar, W. (2009). Health Beyond Politics. Beirut: World Health Organization. Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office.

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 Diplôme de docteur en physiothérapie