Enterprise Data Management

“Enterprise Data Management (EDM) is the ability of an organization to precisely define, easily integrate and effectively retrieve data for both internal applications and external communication. EDM focuses on the creation of accurate, consistent, and transparent content.” (Wikipedia). This course addresses the challenges of enterprise data management at scale, mainly at the level of the data architecture, data modeling and data integration, on-premise as well as on the cloud. It covers different enterprise data architectures i.e DataWarehouses, and DataLakes. It details various data models (structured, semi-structured (XML), unstructured and semantic data with RDF/OWL/SPARQL, and describes various NoSQL databases (key-value, Column, Document or Graph Oriented Databases), as well as various Big Data Formats (Avro, ORC and Parquet). It describes different data integration approaches: Integration according to a materialized view (Data Warehouses/OLAP) and integration according to a virtual view (Mediators/GAV-LAV).

Temps présentiel : 35 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 70 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Examen final

Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
 Master en data sciences