Fr | Ar


Enseignant Cadré - Maître de conférence - Ph.D. in Management

USJ Business School - Branch of Zahle and the Bekaa (FGMZ)
Center for Market and Distribution Studies in the Middle East (CEMADIMO)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext

Rouba Farah is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Business and Management at Saint Joseph University of Beirut. She completed her Ph.D. in Management Administration from CNAM University in Paris in 2021. Apart from her teaching and research activities, she also serves as the coordinator for the Center for Entrepreneurship (EC2) and Career Center located at the Zahlé regional campus. Rouba's research interests mainly revolve around sustainable entrepreneurship, transition management, and socio-technical transitions.

• Ph.D. in Management
• DESS en Gestion et Management
• Maîtrise
• Bachelor’s in business administration

Economics, Management, Banking, Insurance

Entrepreneurship . Sustainability .  Socio-technical transitions

Farah, R. (2023) « La résilience : le pain quotidien d'un entrepreneur durable au Liban ». 13ème Congrès de l'Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat et de l'Innovation, Strasbourg, France.


Bayad, M., & Farah, R. (2022) « L’entrepreneur institutionnel : Spartacus des temps modernes ?». Canadien Council for Small Business & Entrepreneurship 2022, Virtual Conference. 

Farah, R. (2021) « L’entrepreneuriat au service du développement durable : Le cas d’un entrepreneur durable au Liban ». Canadien Council for Small Business & Entrepreneurship 2021, Virtual Conference.  

Farah, R. (2021) « Une étude exploratoire de la perception des acteurs clés du régime sociotechnique de la construction durable au Liban ». RISE Research with Impact for the Society & The Entreprise 1st Annual conference organized by the Faculty of Business and Management of Saint Joseph University (USJ) with the Academy of Management (AOM), Management Consulting Division (MCD) and in Collaboration with ISEOR Research Center, Beirut, Lebanon.


Bayad, M., Farah, R., & Imbault, F. (2021) « Transition vers un système de santé durable : Une histoire d’entrepreneur institutionnel ». 15ème Congrès International Francophone en Entrepreneuriat & PME, Nice, France.


Bayad, M., Farah, R., & Safa, S. (2020) « L'entrepreneuriat durable en question ». 15 ème Congrès du Réseau International de Recherche sur les Organisations et le Développement Durable, Montpellier, France.

-Formation de conseillers en démarrage d'entreprise (2019) : Ecole des entrepreneurs du Québec in collaboration with Saint-Joseph University - Beirut

-Design Thinking (2021): Florida State University in collaboration with HECD- USAID -Lebanon

-  Accompagnement des étudiants entrepreneurs (2022) : AUF

- Beirut Career Counseling, Advising, & Coaching (2023): Florida State University Career Center in collaboration with HECD – USAID - Lebanon