(+961) 1 421 000 ext 2260 lina.abirizk@usj.edu.lb
Lina Abi Rizk
Khoury holds a doctorate in social work from the Lebanese School of Social Work
at Saint Joseph University of Beirut. Her thesis entitled “The sustainability
of social entrepreneurship initiatives” aims to describe and analyze the
factors that contribute or hinder the sustainability of social entrepreneurship
initiatives (SEI), launched by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in
Before starting as an Assistant Professor at the Lebanese School of social Work- Saint Joseph University of Beirut, Mrs. Abi Rizk Khoury, was a full-time lecturer at the Lebanese American University (LAU), she taught at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK) for eight years. Alongside the university teaching, she conducted socio-economic studies and environmental and social impact assessment with national and international organizations.
Prior experience
includes engaging with local and international NGOs as a social worker
intervening with families, career counselor for young people and managing
regional development programs in international organization. These programs
encompass a variety of projects, including Education, health, peacebuilding and socioeconomic development
Dr. Abi Rizk
believes in social justice and that everyone has a role to play in improving
the well-being of communities. She reflects these beliefs by engaging with CSOs
and teaching future committed social workers. She is a member of Mada, a
community development organization, where she serves on the board of directors
as vice president. Nature, hiking, swimming, reading and meeting people from
diverse culture are some of her hobbies.
• Doctorate in Social Work
• Master recherche - Travail social
• Maitrise in Social Work
• License in Social services
Leading the external evaluation for the “Vocational Training and Economic opportunities for Syrian refugees and Lebanese host communities”
Support in the update of the MRR (Map of Risk and Resources) based on the new MSR (Map of stability and resilience) methodology with UNDP (Dec 2018‐ May 2019).
Leading three field assessments undertaken by STEP for Jordan Pioneer in Lebanon: t
Conducting the socio‐economic impact study for “Fouad Boutros highway”
Conducted the Socio‐economic study for the Upper Metn Area in the frame of “Chart” for sustainable territory
Youth Capacity Building and Mobilization Specialist at Socio‐Economic Development Program for Akkar
Implemented and directed the orientation office at “Ecole des Frères Maristes Champville”
Developed and Implemented the career advising program for the third and for the freshman classes
: Established and directed the social service department for families of children with learning disabilities
Art, Humanities, Religious Sciences
Sustainability of Social entrepreneurship Initiatives
Presenting a
conference and a paper in the frame of Research with Impact for the Society and
the Enterprise RISE conference 2021 entitled “ Les initiatives
d’entrepreneuriat Sociales et les organisations à but non lucratifs”.
Rizk Khoury
Lina: The sustainability of social entrepreneurship initiatives (sei) launched by the non‐governmental organizations (NGOs)
in Lebanon“. March,
2019. Aifris.eu https://aifris.eu/03upload/uplolo/cv5374_2669.pdf
Tarazi Sahab Layla,
Abi Rizk Khoury Lina, EL Husseini Mayssa’
and Moro Marie‐Rose : Vulnérabilité psychique des équipes,
expérience libanaise
auprès des déplacés syriens, 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits
réservés http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soin.2018.05.003
in the study “Addiction and social policy in Lebanon: measures and practices, limits and prospects” Study published
ELFS‐USJ (2015).
Abi Rizk Lina, « L’indécision des jeunes face au choix professionnel »
(The indecision of young people with career
choice) article published in Chroniques Sociales: Annales. Travail
Social et Recherche Vol III/IV. No: 15/16/17/18‐ 2000/2001/2002,
Abi Rizk Lina and Ghafari
Carmel, “L'épuisement des travailleurs sociaux” (Burn out of social workers) article
published in Chroniques Sociales:
Annales. Travail Social et Recherche in Vol V No 19/20 2003/2004 ELFS‐USJ.
ToT in Social Protection (Lebanon) Intelligence artificielle ATELIER COMPETENCES ENTREPRENEURIALES. Consultant for Change » visant à développer un groupe de consultants spécialisés auprès des organisations de la société civile mis en œuvre par INTRAC (Centre de formation et de recherche dONG internationales)Angleterre