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Photo Enseignant


Directeur - Ecole doctorale de droit et de sciences politiques

Enseignant Cadré - Professeur - PhD

Faculty of Law and Political Science (FDSP)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext 4214

September 2009 -present        Professor at Saint-Joseph University of Beirut (USJ)
November 2018 – present       Director of the Doctoral School of Law and political sciences (USJ)
January 2003-August 2022      Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law  (USJ)                                            and political science                       
In 2005 and 2007                 Visiting Professor at René Descartes University(Paris 5)
 From 1998 to 2009  		 Lecturer  Saint Joseph University of Beirut

• Doctorate in law (Ph.D)
• Diploma of advanced Studies in public Law
• Lebanese Bachelor’s Degree in Law
• French Bachelor’s Degree in Law

 International public Law 013DIPUL5

 International public Law I 013DIPUL7

 International public Law II 013DIPUL8

International Law of migrations 013DIPUM2

Law, Political Sciences

International public law

International criminal law
International law of migrations


- The execution of the International Court of Justice decisions, Bruylant, 2003
- The opinions of the judges in the advisory opinion on the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons (opinion of July 8, 1996), Bruylant, 1998


 - The Neutrality: a Concept of international law and a political stance of the State, Proche Orient-Etudes juridiques, 2024

- “Lebanon and the refugees: A legal approach to a socio-political reality”, International Review of Comparative Law, 2020/3
- “The special tribunal for Lebanon: an original experience? », Revue générale de droit international, 2007
- “Prohibition of expulsion and the right of return of refugees”, Conference of the Center of Legal studies and Research for the Arab World, Saint-Joseph University of Beirut, on The Global Compact on Refugees: from goodwill to effectiveness, October 2018
- “Who is a “refugee” according to international law”, Conference of the Center of Legal studies and Research for the Arab World, Saint-Joseph University of Beirut, on Refugees: political issues, legal approach, October 2017
- “Multiculturalism, minorities and self-determination”, Conference of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Saint-Joseph University of Beirut, on Law in multicultural societies, October 2015

participation aux colloques et conférence organisés par la Faculté et le cedroma