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Chargé de Cours
Enseignant invité

Chargé de Cours - Vacataire - PhD

Faculty of Humanities (FLSH)
Center for Religious Studies Research (CRSR)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext

My name is Paul Katsivelis. I am a senior lecturer in Arabic Middle Eastern studies. My research embraces cross-disciplinary perspectives to uncover cultural, religious, political and transnational identities in the Middle East. I work also as a mentor in philosophical practice, an extra curricula activity based on special studies in existential psychology and philosophy.

• maître de conférences

3 ECTS: Initiation to existential psychology philosophy 2 ECTS: Religion, cultural diversity and human rights

Art, Humanities, Religious Sciences

Discourse analysis, religion, the Media

1.  Cultural Diversity Its Social Epistemology. Orientaliska studier, 2017, No. 150, pp. 5-17 2.  Islams kamp mot tiden: Om behovet av (ny)hermenutik [Islam’s Struggle Against Time: On the Need for (New) Hermeutics. 3.  Sharia och livet: islamisk retorik om makt, moral och medelvägen (wasatiyya) på al-Jazira [Sharia and Life: Islamic rhetoric of power, morality and middle path (wasatiyya) on Al Jazeera] [Doctoral dissertation], Institutionen för Asien-, Mellanöstern- och Turkietstudier, Stockholm universitet, Diss. Stockholm: Stockholm universitet, 2016