(+961) 1 421 000 ext nada.ghorayeb1@usj.edu.lb
Degrees | University | Country | Year |
Gestion de l'insulinotherapie automatisee | Université de Montpellier | France | 2024 |
Certificat de stage perfectionnement en Endocrinologie | Université de Montréal | Canada | 2016 |
Diploma of Endocrinology | University of Balamand | Lebanon | 2015 |
Pathologies Hypothalamo-Hypophysaires | Université Paris-Sud (Paris 11) | France | 2014 |
Diploma of Internal Medicine | University of Balamand | Lebanon | 2013 |
Doctor of Medicine | University of Balamand | Lebanon | 2010 |
Licence en Science de la vie et de la Terre | Saint Joseph University of Beirut | Lebanon | 2006 |
Medecine and Health